Rotator Cuff Injury Claims

Rotator Cuff Injury Lawyers in NJ

Experienced Shoulder Injury Lawyers Represent Victims with Rotator Cuff Injuries in Middletown, Rumson, Ocean Township, Belmar, and Across Southern New Jersey

Rotator Cuff Injury Claim Attorneys in Red Bank NJA rotator cuff injury can really mess up your daily routine because it affects your shoulder, making simple tasks a lot harder. Frankly, it hurts. You might feel pain even when you’re not moving your shoulder, but especially when you try to lift things or move your arm. Your shoulder might feel stiff, and reaching for things or getting dressed can be a real challenge.

Your shoulder might be weaker, making carrying heavy bags, opening doors, or even just lifting stuff around the house more difficult. It might be hard to get sleep because your shoulder hurts when you lie on it. Doing sports or some chores can be really tough.

Many thousands of residents in New Jersey experience a shoulder injury each year. The treatment, the recovery period, and the loss of time at work can all add up to big expenses and lost wages. If you or a loved one has experienced this injury due to another party’s negligence or while performing your job in Neptune, Middletown, Holmdel, Red Bank, Howell, Manasquan, and towns along the Jersey Shore, the skillful shoulder and rotator cuff injury attorneys at Chamlin, Uliano, and Walsh might be able to help you win back these losses. Call our office today at (732) 440-3950 for a confidential consultation.

The Anatomy Behind Rotator Cuff Injuries

The “rotator cuff” is actually a group of muscles: the supraspinatus, the infraspinatus, the teres minor, and the subscapularis. These connect to bones by means of tendons. An injury occurs when one (or more) tendons get damaged or tear off from the bone. This can happen from either doing the same shoulder movements over and over again (like throwing a ball if you’re a pitcher) or from a sudden injury, like falling on your arm. Sometimes, the tendons in your rotator cuff can wear down over time, especially as you get older. This makes them more prone to injury.

Another source of injury is the fact that the tendons in your rotator cuff might get pinched between the bones in your shoulder. Over time, this can lead to irritation and, eventually, a tear. Overall, it’s usually a combination of factors that leads to a rotator cuff injury, including overuse, trauma, degeneration, and poor mechanics.

Rotator Cuff Injuries in the Realm of Personal Injury Litigation

In personal injury cases, injuries may result from accidents such as car collisions, workplace incidents, slips and falls, or sports injuries. Common symptoms of a rotator cuff injury include shoulder pain, weakness, limited range of motion, and difficulty lifting or reaching overhead. These symptoms can significantly impact daily activities and work performance. Diagnosis typically involves a physical examination, imaging tests such as MRI or ultrasound, and possibly electromyography (EMG) to assess nerve function. Maintaining accurate medical records documenting the diagnosis and treatment is crucial for personal injury claims.

Treatment options for rotator cuff injuries may include rest, physical therapy, anti-inflammatory medications, steroid injections, and in severe cases, surgery. The type and duration of treatment can affect the compensation sought in a personal injury claim. The prognosis for rotator cuff injuries varies depending on the severity of the injury and the effectiveness of treatment. Some injuries may heal with conservative measures, while others may result in long-term pain and disability, impacting the individual’s ability to work and engage in daily activities.

There are legal considerations in personal injury cases involving rotator cuff injuries. It’s essential to establish liability and demonstrate how the injury has affected the victim’s life. This may include medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, future medical expenses, or loss of earning capacity.

Understanding Your Right to Compensation for Rotator Cuff Injuries in New Jersey

In a personal injury situation involving a rotator cuff injury, there are various ways you might get compensation:

  • If someone else caused your shoulder injury, like in a car crash or a slip-and-fall accident, you can file a claim with their insurance company. This could be car insurance, home insurance, or general liability insurance.
  • If the insurance company doesn’t offer enough money to cover your expenses, you can take legal action by suing the person responsible for your injury. This lawsuit can help you get money for medical bills, lost wages, pain, and other damages.
  • If your injury is severe and you can’t work for a long time, you could qualify for Social Security Disability benefits, which provide financial help to people who can’t work because of a disability.
  • Sometimes, instead of going to court, you and the person responsible for your injury can agree on a settlement amount. This can happen through negotiations and can help you avoid a lengthy legal process.

It’s a good idea to talk to a personal injury lawyer to understand your options and get help with your case. Our New Jersey legal team can explain everything and guide you through the process.

Navigating Workers’ Compensation Procedures for NJ Rotator Cuff Injuries

If you hurt your shoulder at work and are thinking about applying for workers’ compensation, there are some important things you should know. Shoulder injuries are common in jobs where you do a lot of repetitive arm movements, heavy lifting, or reaching overhead. These injuries can range from minor strains to serious tears in the tendons of your shoulder. It’s really important to tell your boss about your injury as soon as it happens. Different places have different rules about reporting work-related injuries, so make sure you do it on time to qualify for workers’ compensation benefits. Go see a doctor right away if you hurt your shoulder. It’s important to get medical treatment and keep track of all your doctor visits and treatments related to your shoulder injury. This information will be crucial for your workers’ comp claim.

Workers’ comp usually pays for medical expenses related to your injury, like doctor visits, surgeries, therapy, and medicine. It might also cover some of your lost wages if you can’t work because of your injury. Depending on how bad your injury is, you might need some rehab to get better and be able to use your shoulder again. Your employer might have a program to help you ease back into work safely. Understanding how workers’ compensation works and following the right steps can make sure you get the help you need after a shoulder injury at work. Reporting it quickly, keeping good records, and knowing your rights are key to getting the support you deserve.

If your shoulder injury causes permanent damage that affects your ability to work, you may receive permanent disability benefits. The amount you get depends on how severe the injury is and how much it impacts your earning potential. If your workers’ comp claim gets denied or there are issues with it, you need to talk to a lawyer who knows about workers’ compensation cases such as ours at Chamlin, Uliano, and Walsh who can help you figure out what to do and make sure you get the benefits you’re entitled to.

Understanding Rotator Cuff Injuries in NJ

There are a few different types of injuries, but here are the main ones affecting the rotator cuff:

Rotator Cuff Tendinitis

This is when the tendons in your shoulder get irritated or inflamed, often from doing the same movements over and over again.

Rotator Cuff Impingement

Sometimes, the space in your shoulder where the tendons are getting too narrow, and they rub or pinch against the bones when you move your arm. This can make it hurt to lift your arm up.

Rotator Cuff Tears

These can be small or big tears in the tendons. They can happen suddenly from an injury or gradually over time from regular wear and tear. They make it hard to move your shoulder and can be really painful.

Subacromial Bursitis

There’s a little sac of fluid in your shoulder that helps things move smoothly. Sometimes, it gets swollen and causes pain and stiffness in your shoulder.

Calcific Tendinitis

This is when calcium builds up in the tendons, causing them to become inflamed and painful.

These injuries can make it hard to use your arm and can be really painful. If you think you have one, it’s important to see a doctor to get it checked out.

Options for Recovery and Healing from a Rotator Cuff Injury

If you hurt your shoulder, it’s important to see a doctor and follow their advice. There are several options for recovery.Rotator Cuff Injury Lawyers in Monmouth County, NJ They might suggest resting, doing exercises to strengthen your shoulder, or even surgery in some cases. Physical therapy can also help a lot by getting your shoulder moving better and feeling stronger.

First, it’s important to rest your shoulder and avoid doing things that make it hurt more. You might need to change how you do certain activities to help your shoulder heal. A physical therapist can give you exercises to strengthen your shoulder muscles, improve how flexible it is, and help you move it better. They might also use special techniques or machines to help with healing. You might need to take over-the-counter or prescription medicine to ease the pain and swelling in your shoulder. Your doctor might suggest using ice packs, too.

In some cases, wearing a sling or special brace can help keep your shoulder from moving too much while it heals. This can be especially important if you’ve had surgery. If your injury is really bad or if other treatments don’t work, you might need surgery to fix it. The surgeon will repair the torn part of your shoulder during the operation. Some people explore different kinds of treatments, like injections of special fluids or stem cells, to help their shoulder heal faster.

It’s important to learn how to use your shoulder in a way that doesn’t hurt it again. This might mean changing how you lift things or do certain activities. Understanding how your shoulder works and what you can do to take care of it is important for getting better and preventing more injuries in the future. Your doctor or physical therapist will help you figure out the best plan for your shoulder injury, and it’s important to follow their advice carefully.

Talk to a New Jersey Rotator Cuff Injury Lawyer at Chamlin, Uliano & Walsh Today

Our skilled attorneys at Chamlin, Uliano, and Walsh are well-versed in personal injury and workers’ compensation claims in New Jersey. With a complete understanding of the laws and procedures involved, we can explain your rights and advise you on the best steps to take. Our lawyers can review your rotator cuff injury case to determine its strength. We will look at who’s responsible, how the injury happened, and what damages you may be entitled to.

Whenever appropriate, our team can negotiate with insurance companies or employers to reach a fair settlement. Our attorneys are dedicated to fighting for the compensation you deserve based on the severity of your injury and its impact on your life. If a settlement isn’t possible, we are prepared to represent you in court, handling the legal procedures, presenting your case effectively, and arguing on your behalf before a judge and jury.

When a shoulder injury or rotator cuff damage happens to you in New Jersey, having a knowledgeable attorney on your side increases your chances of a successful outcome and ensures you’re properly compensated. Our lawyers aim to get you the full and fair compensation you’re entitled to under the law in Lavallette, Long Branch, Point Pleasant, Wall Township, Jackson, Toms River, and neighboring towns in Monmouth County and Southern New Jersey. Call us today at (732) 440-3950, or contact us online for your free consultation.