James J. Uliano, Esq. who is one of our partners at Law Firm of Chamlin Uliano & Walsh since 2008, and who has also served as a panelist at the New Jersey State Bar Association Annual Convention and as a speaker on numerous occasions in the next video explains the UM/UIM policy term and how you can benefit from it.
What is the UM/UIM policy?
In New Jersey, auto insurance law dictates that everybody has a UM/UIM policy. This is applicable when a car that does not have auto insurance strikes you, you are able to move against your own insurance company for benefits of your personal injury. This is a unique area of the personal injury process and it is very important you speak with an experienced personal injury attorney to discuss this issue. You never want to be in a situation where because the car did not have insurance you do not explore whether you still have a case.
Hit by an uninsured driver? Get in touch with our Team of Monmouth County Auto Accident and Injury Attorneys Today
For more and detailed information as to how our Monmouth County Personal Injury and insurance issues attorneys at Chamlin, Uliano & Walsh can assist you in your case, fill out our online form or give us a call at the West Long Branch, New Jersey office at 732-440-3950.