Know Your Rights and Explore Your Options Following a Drone-Related Injury
Drone accidents are increasingly becoming an issue in New Jersey. Once, drones – the common name for unmanned aircraft systems (UASs) – were used strictly for military operations. Now, millions of companies and even more private citizens operate drones for professional and personal benefit. As a result of the exponential increase of drones in society, the number of drone accidents and injuries has also skyrocketed. If you have been injured in an accident involving a drone, you could be eligible to receive damages covering your associated medical expenses, lost wages due to injury recovery, out-of-pocket costs, and pain and suffering. Contact the New Jersey drone accident injury lawyers at Chamlin, Uliano & Walsh today at 732-440-3950 for a free consultation to discuss your case.
Lawfully Operating a Drone in New Jersey
Drones are legal for commercial and recreational use in New Jersey. However, there are many stipulations to this fact. UAS operators must follow specific regulations outlined by the Federal Aviation Authority. They also must be certified with the FAA and have their drones registered. Among federal regulations are where and how can be used. For example, it is illegal to use a drone for hunting or trapping purposes in the state. Also, there are numerous areas over which it is either illegal to fly a drone (i.e., correctional facilities and other secured premises) or flying requires a permit (some heavily populated areas like Atlantic City). While all drone operators must follow federal UAV guidelines, local municipalities in New Jersey may have additional requirements. It is important that a drone operator check local guidelines before taking flight.
A Closer Look at Accidents Caused by Human Errors
Most drone accidents occur because of inexperienced or improper operation. Poor drone operation can occur because of a lack of training on the part of the UAS’s owner, or because the manufacturer falsely advertised the simplicity of the flying machine. Many operate more complex drones than are appropriate for their skill level, placing the operator and others at great risk of injury. Another common cause of drone accidents or close encounters is disregard for FAA regulations. For example, many accidents or close accidents occur near airports, with manned aircraft colliding with or coming into close contact with a UAS, while FAA regulations explicitly state that drones cannot fly within five miles of an airport.
Most Frequent Injuries in Drone Accidents
Drone-related injuries include:
- Cuts and lacerations
- Broken bones
- Head injuries
- Internal bleeding
- Injuries to extremities
Your Action Plan After a Drone-Related Accident
If you have been involved in a drone accident, the first thing to do is seek emergency medical support. Once you are safe and cared for, it is wise to contact the local authorities to file a police report. Collect the contact and insurance information of others involved in the accident. Additionally, as much as possible, gather immediate intel about the details of the accident and the contact information of witnesses. Take pictures of the scene, both close-range shots and wider views. Take photos that show exactly where the accident occurred, what time of day and under what weather circumstances the accident happened, etc. Then, contact a drone injury attorney to learn whether you may be able to recover financial damages for a drone accident resulting from someone else’s negligence.
Identifying Liable Parties in Drone Accidents in New Jersey
Negligence must be proven to recover financial damages for a drone accident injury. An individual, company, or manufacturer can be held liable if it can be proven that they had a reasonable duty to ensure your safety, they did not fulfill that duty, and as a result you were injured.
Recovering Damages if You Have Been Injured by a Drone in NJ
A skilled injury attorney such as those on our team at Chamlin, Uliano & Walsh can help you recover the full extent of to-date and future medical expenses and recuperative therapies associated with your injury. You can also be compensated for lost wages due to injury leave from work; out-of-pocket costs like over-the-counter first-aid items, wheelchairs, and pain medications; and even non-economic costs like mental and physical suffering and lost quality of life that you faced as a direct result of the accident.
Speak with a Personal Injury Attorney at Chamlin, Uliano & Walsh for Assistance with a New Jersey Drone Accident Case
If you suffered drone-related injuries in New Jersey, the personal injury attorneys at Chamlin, Uliano & Walsh can provide multifaceted support at this time. First, you need to be focused on recovery, and you can do just that while our team represents you and starts the ball rolling on your case. We can facilitate necessary conversations with the defendant’s insurance company, manage the gathering of documents such as medical records and police reports, and develop a strong case while you rest and rehabilitate. Then, our injury lawyers will either negotiate a fair settlement or commit to taking the case to court if you are not provided with just damages for your drone accident injuries. The lawyers at our Southern New Jersey firm proudly support victims of drone injuries due to others’ negligence in Freehold, Wall, Colts Neck, Long Branch, Middletown, Red Bank, Howell, Manasquan, Toms River, Point Pleasant, and the greater Monmouth and Ocean County region. Contact us today at 732-440-3950 for a free consultation to discuss your claim.