Port Monmouth NJ Underage DWI Defense Attorneys
Although the legal limit for Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) in New Jersey is .08% when a person is operating a motor vehicle, this level does not apply to individuals who are not currently of legal age to consume alcohol under State law. As a result, it is illegal for a person under the age of 21 to have any alcohol in his or her system when operating a motor vehicle. The State punishes those convicted of these offenses very harshly, making it essential to have an experienced defense lawyer working on your behalf to achieve the best possible outcome in your case.
Underage DWI offenses are punishable by a variety of serious penalties, which may include driver’s license suspension (or the delay of one’s eligibility to obtain a driver’s license) for a period ranging from 1 to 3 months, community service for between 15 and 30 days, fines, and program attendance at one of the State’s Intoxicated Driver Resource Centers (IDRC). Notably, an underage DWI is not considered a first offense DWI if an individual is charged with DWI or DUI as an adult.
to Your Way Through The Criminal Justice System What Should I do if
I was Charged with a Crime in New Jersey?
The knowledgable defense attorneys at Chamlin, Uliano & Walsh have achieved numerous successes defending clients charged with underage DWI in New Jersey. With a variety of specifically-formulated tactics for fighting these charges, they examine every component of these cases in order to identify procedural errors that may provide the leverage necessary to reduce or dismiss the charges against their clients. If you or someone you love has been charged with underage DWI, find the answers to your pressing questions by contacting the offices of Chamlin, Uliano & Walsh at 732-440-3950.
Underage DWI in Monmouth County: N.J.S.A. 2C:39:4-50.14
The New Jersey Criminal Code addresses offenses involving underage DWI in N.J.S.A. 2C:39:4-50.14, stating the following with regard to these offenses:
Any person under the legal age to purchase alcoholic beverages who operates a motor vehicle with a blood alcohol concentration of 0.01% or more, but less than 0.08%, by weight of alcohol in his blood, shall forfeit his right to operate a motor vehicle over the highways of this State or shall be prohibited from obtaining a license to operate a motor vehicle in this State for a period of not less than 30 or more than 90 days beginning on the date he becomes eligible to obtain a license or on the day of conviction, whichever is later, and shall perform community service for a period of not less than 15 or more than 30 days. In addition, the person shall satisfy the program and fee requirements of an Intoxicated Driver Resource Center or participate in a program of alcohol education and highway safety as prescribed by the chief administrator.
NOTE: The penalties provided under the provisions of this section are imposed in addition to the penalties associated with a conviction for a violation of N.J.S.A. 2C:33-15 (underage possession or consumption of alcohol), R.S. 33:1-81 (underage purchase of alcohol), R.S. 39:4-50 (driving while intoxicated) or any other law.
Penalties for Underage DWI in New Jersey
The penalties associated with a conviction for underage DWI in New Jersey may include a period of driver’s license suspension (or delay in the date of eligibility for obtaining a driver’s license) ranging from 1 to 3 months, as well as between 15 and 30 days of community service, fines, and program attendance at one of the State’s Intoxicated Driver Resource Centers (IDRC). As mentioned above, an underage DWI is not considered a first offense DWI if an individual is charged with DWI or DUI as an adult. Thus, if you have been convicted of an underage DWI and are subsequently charged with DWI or DUI as an adult, you will be subject to the penalties associated with a first offense DWI, as opposed to those associated with a second offense DWI.
Contact Atlantic Highlands NJ Underage DWI Defense Lawyers for Assistance
For additional information as to how these Monmouth County underage DWI defense attorneys can assist you or someone, you love in combating the State’s case and delivering the best chance of success, contact the West Long Branch, New Jersey office of Chamlin, Uliano & Walsh at 732-440-3950 or 888-328-9131.