Monmouth County NJ Robbery Defense Lawyers
In New Jersey, robbery is among the most serious crimes included in the State’s Criminal Code. As such, these offenses are classified as either first or second-degree indictable felonies, with the specific degree of these charges contingent upon the circumstances of a given case. For example, robbery offenses allegedly committed with a weapon are considered first degree crimes, which carry a 10 to 20-year prison sentence upon conviction.
First and second-degree robbery cases are adjudicated at the Superior Court in the county in which the alleged offense occurred and all of these offenses are subject to the sentencing provisions of New Jersey’s No Early Release Act. According to the No Early Release Act, abbreviated as “NERA,” defendants who are convicted of the crimes governed by this law must serve 85% of the sentence imposed before being considered for parole. With the possibility of such life-altering consequences facing those accused of robbery in New Jersey, the benefits of hiring a skilled criminal defense attorney cannot be underemphasized.
to Your Way Through The Criminal Justice System What Should I do if
I was Charged with a Crime in New Jersey?
The attorneys at Chamlin, Uliano & Walsh have successfully defended countless clients charged with theft offenses such as robbery in Monmouth County and throughout New Jersey. Our talented lawyers commit to every case and every client, constructing a compelling defense strategy in order to position you for the best possible result. If you or someone you love has been charged with robbery, contact the offices of Chamlin, Uliano & Walsh at 732-440-3950.
Robbery in New Jersey: N.J.S.A. 2C:15-1
Under New Jersey Law, charges for robbery are outlined in N.J.S.A. 2C:15-1, which sets forth:
a. A person is guilty of robbery if, in the course of committing a theft, he:
- Inflicts bodily injury or uses force upon another; or
- Threatens another with or purposely puts him in fear of immediate bodily injury; or
- Commits or threatens immediately to commit any crime of the first or second degree.
Robbery is a crime of the second degree, except that it is a crime of the first degree if in the course of committing the theft the actor:
- Attempts to kill anyone; or
- Purposely inflicts or attempts to inflict serious bodily injury; or
- Is armed with, or uses, or threatens the immediate use of a deadly weapon.
Penalties for Robbery in New Jersey
Robbery as a First Degree Crime: punishable by a term of incarceration ranging from 10 to 20 years in New Jersey State Prison
Robbery as a Second Degree Crime: punishable by a term of incarceration ranging from 5 to 10 years in New Jersey State Prison
NOTE: First and second-degree robbery charges are governed by New Jersey’s No Early Release Act (NERA), which requires those convicted of these crimes to serve 85% of the sentence imposed before becoming eligible for parole.
Contact Manalapan NJ Robbery Lawyers for Assistance with Your Case
If you or someone you love is facing charges for robbery in Monmouth County, New Jersey, contact the West Long Branch offices of Chamlin, Uliano & Walsh at 732-440-3950 or call toll-free at 888-328-9131. One of the firm’s skilled defense lawyers will be happy to evaluate your case and provide you with an evaluation of the options that may be available to you.