Medical Expense Coverage in a Workers Compensation Claim
Ensure your Medical Expenses are paid, contact an experienced Monmouth County Workers Comp Attorney today
Before focusing his time on Workers Compensation litigation, our partner attorney Mr. Kenneth W. Chamlin, developed expertise in Municipal Government law, having served the position of City Attorney for the City of Long Branch and Borough Municipal Prosecutor for the town of Deal, NJ.
Based on his knowledge and experience, in the following video, Mr. Chamlin goes over important details every employer and especially every employee should know in the event of an accident in the workplace and the employer’s denial to provide the company´s insurance.
Once in a while, I will have a client come in, as part of a consultation, and they will tell me that they injured themselves three weeks ago on their job and that they notified the employer, and the employer said to them, “well go take care of it under your insurance.” Quite frankly, that is contrary to the law of the state of New Jersey. I have had some clients tell me instead of going take care through your own insurance that my employer does not believe I injured myself and ergo just leave me alone.
What if my employer does not believe I injured at the workplace?
In that situation, the only real remedy that that person has is to, of course, consult with an attorney because there is a methodology in my world of workers compensation where we can then go out to the court, file certain papers, not a lot, but a few papers and request a court order for that person to get medical treatment if the employer is denying the treatment. Sometimes, there is a basis for the denial, which has to be explored between the employee and the attorney. But generally speaking, some employers who are not sophisticated, who do not quite understand the workers’ compensation statute, they just say: “Take care of it through your automobile insurance,” if it is an automobile work-related injury or “take care of everything under your personal health insurance, and we will figure something out.” That is not a good idea because if medical bills are paid by an outside source attributable to the work-related injury, that outside source can then have what we call lien and come back to try to recoup those monies are there from the injured employee or from a third party.
Contact a Long Branch Workers’ Compensation Law Firm
Please contact us online or call 732-440-3950 immediately to make an appointment with one of our worker’s compensation attorneys trained and experienced in this area of the law. He or she will work tirelessly to meet your needs professionally and confidentially.